Friday, September 26, 2014

ClaySys AppForms - Tips and Tricks in control properties

1. Transparent Background Color to a control!!

The simple answer will be to type in the text "Transparent" in the property, instead of the hexa value. 

2. Negative margins?

The controls in the AppForms does support negative margin property, in case you would like to move one control above the other. 

The margin property of a control has four sections, and typically example would be 10, 0, 0, 0. This is Left, Top, Right, Bottom margin of the control. So if you want the control to move towards the left, you would use the property like -10, 0, 0, 0.

3. Auto height for controls!!

Few of the controls in ClaySys AppForms does support auto height. The controls like DynamicGrid, Search Grid supports auto height. You can set the maximum height for the control so that it does not grow beyond the maximum height.

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